Dia del estudiante Cordobita *** 08 de Junio de 2020 *** REPASO PREVIO A LA EVALUACIÓN

**** Semana del 8-12 Junio de 2020 ****



Nombre:  __________________________     curso: _______

1. Wake up, means in Spanish:

a. Desayunar

b. Ducharse

c. Cepillarse

d. ir a la escuela

e. Despertar

2. Have breakfast, go to school, have classes, have lunch are:

a. Things to do

b. Daily routines

3. Father of my father is:

a. Uncle

b. Nephew

c. Grandfather

d. Brother

4. Grandfather, brother, mother, uncle, niece are:

a. Family members

b. Friends

5. When I say: “A dog named Bruno lives in my house”, Bruno is;

a. My cat

b. My dog

c. my bird

d. My Fish

6. In family tree, the great grandfather is:

a. Mi tio

b. Mi primo

c. Mi abuelo

d. Mi bisabuelo

7. In the figure the number 1 is

a. Gradma

b. Mum

c. Grandad

d. Dad

8. In the sentence “Camilo goes to school”, i can replace the name with a personal pronouns. Which?

a. You

b. She

c. He

d. It

9. In the sentence “Sam is enjoying his ice drop”, the possessive adjective is:

a. Sam

b. His

c. Ice

d. Drop

10. My, yours, his, her, its, our, theirs are:

a. Personal pronouns

b. Possessive adjectives


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